Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Happy and Sad

♥In a little over a month, we will all be together. I am hoping we can find a fitting way to honor our dear Uncle and father who so generously gave of what he had to all of us. Jennifer is working on our " team" shirt.
I have sent the classified ad looking for our kin in Galway. It will be published for the two weeks up to our arrival. I am eager to see what this will bring. I am scurrying to find appropriate rainwear since we have little of it in California. I am working on ancestry.com ~thanks to the great information that Cathy Ann has discovered I have leads that I wouldn't have had. I so regret not listening better to Nanny's stories. There are missing pieces to our history that I am hoping to fill in. If any of you have stories from your mom or dad that include places and names in Ireland send them my way. Blessings,

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