Step #5 seems particularly salient:
A good pint can distinguished by a number of methods. A smooth, slightly off- white head is one, another is the residue left on the inside of the glass. These, surpise surprise, are known as rings. As long as they are there you know your're okay. A science of rings is developing - the instance that comes to mind is determining a persons nationality by the number of rings (a ring is dependent on a swig of Guinness each swig leaving it's own ring). An Irishman will have in the region of 5-6 rings (we pace ourselves), an Englishman will have 8-10 rings, an American will have 17-20 (they sip) and an Australian won't have any at all as they tend to knock it back in one go!
I look forward to knocking back a few with you all over on the other side.
Slahn go fo-ill
1 comment:
Howya! See also: And I have discovered a delightful thing about these Irish Web sites--even government run ones, like the library and the bus terminal--if you send them an email, they answer immediately, are charming, and write in a brogue! Fekkin grand, that is. --Christina
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