Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Vote

So what happened with the vote?? Any decisions? Any news??

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

12 have voted

Yeah to all of us who have voted. I can't tell what the verdict is regarding the vote...... and since the poll closes tomorrow, all I can assume is only 12 people want to weigh in(or 6 people who voted twice) so let's go with what we have unless there is a flurry tomorrow.
Hey, Christina, is there any consensus on a destination?

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Spring, Summer?

Hey all --   FYI, David  is done with teaching by late May --  I guess I could pull Daniel out of kindergarten for a few days if Cathy can't do late June/early July.  Memorial Day weekend is a school holiday anyway, so we might be able to schedule it around that.    Is late July, a possibility?  

Friday, November 14, 2008



Family Spirit

Okay, I admit up front that I haven’t been the most blog-worthy correspondent on this matter, so I have no moral high ground from which to urge you to post or answer questions or give suggestions or vote in polls. But that never stopped me before!!!

Just a tad over two years ago most of us enjoyed one of the most memorable and fun trips ever….together…. and vowed that we would do it again. It’s time! I think most everybody has showed an interest in planning another trip; in fact we hope to include even more family members on the next one I think.

Christina has gamely offered to be our organizer for this one --- THANK YOU!!!! ---- but many of us, me included, haven’t been very helpful.

So it’s time to get on the stick!

Do we want to do this????

When???? Christy helped us last time by signing up for the Dublin marathon which then dictated the time and place. I love you all, but I’m not signing up for any marathons! So, does anyone have a better idea?

When I was the editor of my high school newspaper, The Statesman, I was always writing editorials about school spirit and urging my fellow students to show some enthusiasm, come to school events, etc. I feel like I’m doing it again!!!

Christina has thrown out a number of ideas and time frames. Some folks have been fabulous about responding…. But not many. HELLO!!!!!! WHERE ARE YOU??????

We’ll never find a perfect time for everyone to do this, but let’s start somewhere and hone in on it. If school months are totally out for too many people, we’ll look at just summer possibilities. Or if there’s a spring break week in there that would work, let everybody know.

I know that email is SOOOO passé but I still use it and I’m sure many others do. I haven’t gotten into the Facebook thing yet but I think I’m going to have to, since so many of you are there already. And then there’s the blog Christina has created. http://www.blogger.com/i.g?inviteID=6811117282632953238&blogID=24265692 . If that’s not enough ways for us to communicate then we should just give up and stay home.

So….. are we doing this, or what?
Love, Kathleen

Thursday, November 13, 2008


I have a confession to make. I voted twice. Once for Spring 2009 and I believe my other vote was for Spring of 2010 if that was an option. I believe in voting early and often. This means only seven of us actually voted.

Maybe we should vote based on when people can't go and pick the time period where the most people can go. I know there was some discussion regarding school schedules versus other schedules, i.e. my job is centered around a big event that takes place the 3rd weekend in July making it hard for me to leave in the summer. Maybe I should quit my job.

Feel free to ignore this suggestion.

calling all cousins

I don't get where all of you are???? There were 9 votes last poll but there are so many more of us than that. Ireland was fabulous and any of you who were there know that. Any of you who missed it don't want to miss this trip. Vote, Vote, Vote. You know like last Tuesday just not as exciting......

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Votes are In…Too Close to Call?

Eight people voted in the poll on WHEN to do this trip. Is that enough voters? (Polls are to the left of this post. Did you see it?)

The results are also not that clear. There is a slight lead for Spring 09 but Summer 09 and Fall/Winter 09 are tied in a close second. Is this Too Close to Call? (Not to be confused with TOO EARLY TO CALL.)

What do you think? Should we call it at Spring 09 or head back to the polls? Let's vote on that!

If you are reading this in an email feed, you do have to come to the site to vote in these polls. It's very easy. Just tick a box.

I'm putting up a quick poll on if we should accept these results or vote again. So if you missed that last poll, vote on this one. If you think people are not following along and you want them to vote, why not send a note?

Get out and vote! This poll closes on the 19th.


Wednesday, November 05, 2008

How About Chicago?


It looked like fun last night anyway. Sorry I missed it.

Did you all see there is a new poll up? This is a stab at narrowing down the timeframe so get up there and vote. Now we are all REALLY good at it. Blogger will automatically close the poll at some date I don't recall so….



Monday, November 03, 2008

New Poll Up


Sorry it took me so long. Very busy--and travelling. To Iceland, among other places. (Now THAT would be a nice place for a get-together.)

I love the idea of a train trip Orient Express style.

I put up a poll with some times to choose from.
