Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Votes are In…Too Close to Call?

Eight people voted in the poll on WHEN to do this trip. Is that enough voters? (Polls are to the left of this post. Did you see it?)

The results are also not that clear. There is a slight lead for Spring 09 but Summer 09 and Fall/Winter 09 are tied in a close second. Is this Too Close to Call? (Not to be confused with TOO EARLY TO CALL.)

What do you think? Should we call it at Spring 09 or head back to the polls? Let's vote on that!

If you are reading this in an email feed, you do have to come to the site to vote in these polls. It's very easy. Just tick a box.

I'm putting up a quick poll on if we should accept these results or vote again. So if you missed that last poll, vote on this one. If you think people are not following along and you want them to vote, why not send a note?

Get out and vote! This poll closes on the 19th.


1 comment:

Laura said...

I voted! I think we need more time to plan and pay then the spring of 09?......