Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A Quick Guide to Irish Phraseology

Here are some phrases you might find useful in Ireland (courtesy of christina, who else?) Especially these first few:

"Mo sheacht míle grá thú" meaning "My love seven thousand times".

For the more restrained, "Mo ghrá thú" meaning "You are my love" or "My love" or even "I love you", would suffice.

Just in case the accents do not appear as they should, the words are:

Mo = my,
Seacht = seven (sheacht in this version after "mo"; the "h" silences the "s"),
Mile = thousand (the "i" is accented, pron. "meela"),
Gra = love (the "a" is accented, pron. "graw" ),
Thu = you (the "u" is accented, pron. like "who" in English).

Some other interesting phrases include:

Go n-eiri leat :Good luck to you (That things will rise to you)
(fada -accent on the e and i of eiri): Goh (short 'o' not as in go) n-iri leath:

Go n-eiri an t-adh leat: The best of luck to you (That luck will rise to you)
(fada's as above and also on the 'a' of t-adh): Goh n-iri an tah leath

Go n-eiri an bothar leat: Have a good trip (That the road may rise to meet you)
here there is a fada on the 'o' of bothar.: Goh n-eiri an bohar leath.

Sin is pronounced shin (this,since)
se(fada on e) is pronounced shay(he)
si (fada on i) is pronounced shi(she)

saor (cheap, free) is sa-or
sa (in) pronounced as in the 'sa' of sang.

Conas taoi?: How are you
Con-as taii: Con-as.

Slan:Goodbye (with a fada on the a)
Slahn (ending pronounced as in dahn)

Slan leat: Goodbye to you (one person): fada on 'a'
Slahn leath

Slan tamall: Goodbye(Goodbye till later) fada on 'a' of slan
Slahn tam-al

Slan go foill: Goodbye for now (Goodbye for a while)
Fada on the 'a' of slan and the 'o' of foill:
Slahn go fo-ill

1 comment:

christina said...

Gaelic is very confusing. I'll wait to listen to you and then copy. Have a safe and peaceful flight- benadry anyone? See you very soon. Text me know when you arrive.