Tuesday, September 09, 2008

We Need Another Poll!

The last poll revelaed that people like Alaska, a groovy retreat, and a couple of other ideas. Blogger closed that poll so we need another with some new--possibly more specific?--ideas.

I'll set up another poll, if you tell me what to put in the poll.

I'll also set up a poll for WHEN! But give me some ideas for what to put in there too.

I'll start things off: How About Safari West? It's a groovy Napa resort with elephants and tigers. Think of the near-death esperiences we memories we would have! I know a guy who knows the owner. Maybe I can get us a deal....


1 comment:

Harmony said...

I would vote for a groovy resort in N.CA since i would be able to atternd...it is really very beautiful, aand there is alot to do and see..this is alll new to me ..i will keep on reading xo Peace